Mortgage Calculators
We have put together many calculators and tools to help you make sense of the numbers. They are all easy and fun to use. Calculate monthly payments of how much
your home will cost you with this calculator. Use this calculator to see how much money you
can save on your mortgage by making payments
every 2 weeks instead of every month. You can
also shorten the term of the loan by using
this process. We have put together many calculators
and tools to help you make sense of the numbers.
They are all easy and fun to use. By using a simple formula, you can get an idea of how much house you can afford. See the principal balance change as payments
are made. This will show you how much you will
owe on your house in "X" amount of years. Also,
see how much of your payment is being applied to
the principal and how much is being applied to
the interest. Most of your payment in the beginning
of the loan pays the interest of the loan. Use
the Biweekly calculator to see how much you can
save by making mortgage payments every 2 weeks
as opposed to every month. You will be surprised
at what a difference this can make. This calculator will help you to decide whether you should refinance your current mortgage at a lower interest rate. This calculator will calculate the monthly payment, net interest savings, and the time it will break even on the closing costs.
We Serve the Entire State of California
At California Mortgage & Realty, we proudly provide mortgage solutions to homebuyers and investors throughout California. Here are some of the cities nearby, but we aren't limited to these locations: